Wednesday, May 12, 2010

YOU'RE going to tattoo me? o_0

My boyfriend, E is planning to tattoo me. I've been wanting a new tattoo, but as far as I knew, E had no experience ... I thought we would go to a parlor. I don't question it much - I figure E is good at everything he does ... why not?

I'm trying to decide where I want it ... and what exactly I want. Since E's doing it, I might as well get more than one!

At this point, it seems that I'm looking into a mirror; I notice that I already have two or three tattoos. Funny - I was so sure I only had the one ...

At some point, I am at a swimming pool with my cousin, Shayna. I'm in a very skimpy bikini, noticing all of my tattoos (there were at least three on the front of my body where I only have one on my shoulder blade irl) which makes me a little nervous for some reason. I'm not sure that I want to be here ...


I had said to E in Wal*mart the day before, "I hope you realize I haven't forgotten my tattoo idea!" I just wanted to remind him so he didn't think it was a phase. ;)

I really do feel that E is a natural at whatever he tries; it's kind of annoying. :D

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