Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jumping into the Television?

April 19, 2010

I remember this dream quite vividly. Kind of funny too, that it occurred within five minutes of shutting off the alarm (I dozed off so quickly ...) Also, I obviously incorporated the sound of the news station playing on the tv and various sounds my bf's mom was making as she was getting ready for work (in the same room).


I was watching the news with my bf's mom (or, she was at least around as I sensed her presence - not sure if she was also watching) and there was something on about a heavy-set black woman who did something to change the community for the better (or something). As I watched, they showed a scene of her sitting on her front porch playing some kind of patti-cake type game with a bunch of kids. Suddenly, I realized that it was MY old community. I got a little excited, and decided to show her where I used to live (They showed a set of row-homes - they didn't actually show mine, but I knew it was my old street). Just then, I realized that I wasn't watching tv anymore ... we were in the scene! (The ally of the scene, to be exact) I remember feeling very confused - I looked around to see if it was just me, but my bf's mom was also with me. She seemed to have no idea that we weren't at her house (her house is in the country - my old house was in the city ... it was an obvious difference). I saw her pick up a can from across the ally, "I guess Tai must have forgotten a can" she said. She then started walking up these steps that led to a house, assuming it was hers. This is about where I was woken up, abruptly ("Tai, wake up - you must have slept through your alarm!") If I wouldn't have had to wake up, I think I might have become lucid - this was the point where I was starting to realize that too much in the dream was 'off').

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