I'm at a beach, but I don't think I'm actually present (it's not unusual for me to be simply 'watching' in a dream, rather than actively participating or interacting with DCs). I see Mrs. Kandy (an old friend's mother) looking very young, skinny and tan. I notice that she has a very young-looking hair style too - with thick straight bangs, kind of like a school girl. I find that it flatters her facial structure quite nicely. (She's always looked good for her age, but she looked like she was in her early thirties as opposed to her actual mid-forties. She's also always been slender, but in the dream, she was almost too skinny - but only in certain positions.) I got a closer look (it felt like I was zooming in, as if I had camera-vision or something.) and noticed as she was bending down to pick something up from the sand that I could see every bone in her back. (I remember feeling a bit disturbed by this) Her daughter, Monique enters the scene and Mrs, Kandy giddily exclaims "____ thought that I was you!" (I don't remember the name of the person, if there even was one.) Monique is just laughing at that idea and they are obviously talking and having a good time, but I can't quite make out what they're saying.
Though I am unsure of the logic behind some other aspects, I think such emphasis on the fun and laughter shared by the mother and daughter in this scene might be my mind admiring the healthy mother-daughter relationship that I lack irl with my own mother.
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